Out of Africa and into Australia

Our Stage 1 Classes are exploring Africa as part of a whole school multicultural theme.

We are reading Mirror a beautiful collage picture book written by Jeannie Baker.

It looks at the daily life of an Australian family and a Moroccan Family.



As well as reading the book with the focus on Morocco we will be looking at many of the animals of Africa. Unlike humans who live within borders the animals roam across the lands of Africa in search of food and water.

Writing Workshops begin …


We have just begun our Stage 1 Writers’ Workshops. We are very excited to be working with a selection of great writers from our Stage.

We are getting used to each other as we come from all different classes and things are a little different.

Our first writing topic was “ME”. We had to write as much as we could in the time provided. We needed to make sure we wrote in sentences using the correct punctuation and using really great WOW words.

WOW words are very special interesting, describing words. Some of our teachers call them SPARKLE words. Either way we have to use them to make our writing more interesting for our audience.