Awesome Alphabet Fluency

We practice our alphabet fluency everyday. This helps improve our handwriting and our real writing. Sometimes we use our mini whiteboards and sometimes we use our ipads.

We Love Our Local Library

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Our local library is the Lithgow Library and it is just down the road.

Our school Library is good and we have Library once a week where we do lots of interesting things with Mr Gill.

But in the Lithgow Library it is different and more fun probably because it is not on the school grounds.

We told our teachers that we loved our local library and they said if we really work hard on our reading and writing we can go there every month!









Make It Monday

The notes went home … bring boxes of all shapes and sizes. We have been bringing every box we can lay our hands on to school ever since that day. It seems like ages ago but not really!

At last it is Monday – Make It Monday!!!! We are Makers.

Boxes, boxes and more boxes and yet more boxes … what are we going to be doing?

We had to do lots of Reading, Writing and Maths. When were we going to get to the FUN part of the day? At last! What will our challenge be?

Building buildings! Imagining our Main Street. Working together creating challenging having fun.

Have you seen our Bee Bots? We’ll be having fun with them and our Main Street soon.





Our Diamonds Love Writing

At the moment we are working on writing about ourselves. We are learning about shaping our letters properly, leaving finger spaces, adding detail and reading our writing our writing to others.

At the end of every Writing Workshop our teachers choose pieces of quality work for us to share with our class. We try so hard to be the ones who are chosen to read our writing.We are learning to love our writing time.





Mini Makers: making, tinkering and engineering

Stage 1 Pearl Mini-Makers

Stage 1 Pearl Mini-Makers

We are some of the Stage 1 Mini-Makers. Our teacher challenges our imagination and creativity. We think about making the things we imagine after talking and working together with our teacher.            

Our teacher encourages us to think critically and creatively. We use lots of leftover goodies to make our amazing imaginings. Sometimes we use our digital age skills and sometimes we don’t.

Our teachers provide us with opportunities to:

  • Program.  Programming is the key to controlling the new world of computational devices.  There are many programming languages and they are designed to cater for every purpose and every age group. Bee Bots are a beginning for developing familiarity with programming.
  • Physical Computing. Microcontrollers, sensors and interfaces connect the physical world to the digital world in an infinite number of ways. Robotics are just one facet of this interface. Lego and games based equipment support early understanding of how the digital and the physical world interface.
  • Visual and Audio Creation: every person has a story to tell and never has it been easier to create something amazing:  imovies, garageband, ipads+apps and so much more
  • Computer controlled fabrication devices. 3 D printers are the best publicised of these. Put it in the budget for 2018.

Our Mini-Maker Program draws on the arts, music, engineering, design and computer science skills.

Making is not a novelty, a fad or a trend that will fade it is a way of learning by doing. Our students have authentic problems to solve, they are challenged to think creatively and critically, reflect and re-do if need be. Our Mini- Makers program is based on the premise that children engage with learning when it is challenging and fun.


Stay tuned as we show you what we do as we work through our exciting and interesting week.

  • Make it Monday
  • Technie Tuesday
  • Work Out Wednesday
  • Thinkers Thursday
  • Finishing Off Friday

Look at our clever Kindergarten writers

Can you read our story?

Can you read our story?

Draw         Talk          Think         Write       Share

Kindergarten are getting into the hang of Writing and Reading.

They can recognise, name and sound many letters of the alphabet.

They practice their alphabet everyday and all are practising writing their names on the Daily Sign In sheet.